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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Culture Wars at Christmas

Ah, the holidays. Americans are working on another holiday tradition: the annual culture war over "holiday season" vs. Christmas. Gail Collins and David Brooks take on the issue in their regular shared online column in The Opinionator on nytimes.com. Brooks betrays an obvious fondness for Christmas - both the word and the holiday itself - from a Jewish perspective. Indeed, Brooks is that rare celebrator of the good things brought into the world by Christianity - my personal favorite being his appreciation of Bono. Brooks seems to come out in favor of "Merry Christmas"; Collins in favor of "Happy Holiday."

So where do I come down on the issue? My policy is to wish a happy holiday to those who I know are not Christian or to those of whom I am unsure. I choose this policy out of respect for the feelings of others. If that is political correctness, so be it. However, if I know someone is Christian, I wish them a hearty "Merry Christmas." I am always a bit perplexed when greeted by a fellow parishioner with "Happy Holiday." That seems quite ridiculous to me. If Brooks and the Muslim security guard can greet one another with Merry Christmas, surely believers need not be squeamish in this way.

So Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!


  1. I wish everyone "Happy Holidays" because it isn't Christmas until December 24th... ;-)

  2. I think we should wish others a happy "whatever we celebrate ourselves." That seems to me to be the most practical solution. I know I celebrate Christmas, and can wish someone "Merry Christmas." If he or she celebrates something different, such as Hannukah, then the response could be "Happy Hannukah!" Then also the exchange would be educational. Just an idea.
